The Truth About Business

Hearing last year’s design enterprise students and their experiences of the module was very motivating and encouraging. They offered a lot of advice, including:

  • Attend the events relevant to you
  • Keep a visual diary
  • Find a company that has the same interests as you
  • Apply to as much internships as you can
  • Pick a topic that you are passionate about for your dissertation and run with it
  • Prototype – Try – Solve
  • And most importantly, ENJOY the semester

A talk from an interactive design graduate also gave us an insight into the real world of successful businesses.


Joanna Montgomery graduated from DJCAD in 2010 and since then has been trying to bring her degree show concept, Pillow Talk, into reality with her business, Little Riot.  It has gone through a lot of ups and downs but she never gave up and now she is working together with companies such as Wayra and Wearable worlds to finally get Pillow Talk on the market.

During the years after graduating she has come to learn some things about the world of business:

  1. People suck
  2. Shit is expensive
  3. Never ignore your gut instinct
  4. Surround yourself with good people
  5. You can still do something with nothing
  6. Working for others will not kill you
  7. Disasters are character building
  8. The most powerful weapons are courage and persistence
  9. The good will always outweigh the bad
  10. “Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm” – Sir Winston Churchill

The truth is:

Truth about success

Desent 15

We are INsight, a team of 3 INterior + environmental design students at DJCAD! And we are excited to be starting our Design Enterprise module this semester and learn how to become inspired entrepreneurs. Over the next few weeks we are going to be getting an insight into the business world behind design and as a team going out and meeting some enterprising design companies that we admire.

So far we have some influential lectures, workshops and guest speakers that have sparked our interest in design enterprise.

Here are some of the key notes we took away:

  • Being enterprising puts you in control of your life
  • ‘Indie Capitalism’

Creative cultures are inspiring start-ups. The term ‘Indie Capitalism’ describes a new economy that reflects many similar values and social structures of the independent music scene. Indie Capitalism is a post-global, local economic phenom that feeds of the cultural and entrepreneurial energy of creative urban cities. This new way of thinking and doing has no clear boundaries between consumer and producer, investor and shopper, we are all involved in everything.

  • There is a seismic economic and cultural shift towards enterprise
  • ‘Make a job. Don’t take a job’
A report by Barbara Gunnel and Martin Bright

A report by Barbara Gunnel and Martin Bright

  • There is a rise of creative industries and individuals
  • Use social media to help you professionally (like this blog!)
  • 4 tips for an enterprising future
  1. Learn how to make something
  2. Education is not the whole answer
  3. Don’t listen to your parents! (the older generation might not understand the world today)
  4. Don’t worry about network. Worry about your friends
  • As students we have the freedom to take a risk and fail
  • Helpful steps for our project
  1. Select subject
  2. Define issues
  3. Approach
  4. Background research
  5. Interview
  6. Analysis
  7. Present
The Golden Circle by Simon Sinek

The Golden Circle by Simon Sinek